Ford, James S.
AKA 1:
AKA 2:
AKA 3:
BORN: 20 Nov 1850
DIED: 17 Aug 1931
BURIED: 23 Aug 1931 ~ Smith Cemetery
BIRTH PLACE: Kendall Co, Illinois
DEATH PLACE: Falls City, Polk Co., Oregon
NOTES: Name of father James Ford
Maiden name of mother Mary Kline
1870 OR CENSUS - James S. Ford, age 19, b. Illinois, is enumerated with James, age 62, occupation farmer, b. Ohio, and Mary, age 55, b. Ohio, along with Robert, age 22, b. Illinois.
MARRIAGE - J.S. Ford & Mary J. McDowel m 21 July 1870 at house of James Ford; Isaac Smith, JP. Wit: George W. Ford & Sml McDowel. Bk B, pg 109
1880 OR CENSUS - James Ford, age 29, occupation farmer, b. Illinois, is enumerated with wife Jane, age 25, b. Oregon, along with Ada, age 3, b. Oregon. Also enumerated in the household are two brothers-in-law, John McDowell, age 21, b. Oregon, and and George McDowell, age 20, b. Oregon.
NOTE - James's wife was Sarah Jane McDowell. They were parents of Ada and Aurilla Ford who are buried at Smith, and Anna L. (b 1881) who married --- Cline and had a dau Myrtle who was the granddaughter mentioned in James's obituary. James and Sarah were divorced by 1900. Sarah and dau Anna appear in 1900 census of Nashville, Lincoln Co, Oregon, living with her brother Henry McDowell. She later married William A. Jones. She died 26 Apr 1932 in Polk Co, Oregon, and was probably buried with her 2nd husband in Crystal Lake cemetery in Corvallis, Bencon Co, Oregon
DEATH CERTIFICATE: OSBH DC (Polk County 1931) #71 - James S. Ford, male, widowed, occupation farmer, b. 20 Nov 1850 in Illinois, d. 17 Aug 1931 in Falls, City, Oregon at the age of 80 yrs 8 mos, 27 dys, name of father James Ford (b. Ohio), maiden name of mother Mary Kline (b. Ohio), interment Smith Cemetery 23 Aug, undertaker Henkle & Thomas, informant William A. Ford of Falls City.
OBITUARY: James S. Ford, 81 years of age, passed away at his home at Falls City, Monday evening after suffering from cancer over a period of a year and a half.
He was born in Illinois in 1850 and moved to Bridgeport in 1853 with his parents, who were early Oregon pioneers. Since that time he has resided in and about Falls City, engaging in farming most of his life.
Funeral services will be held Sunday afternoon at 1:30 at the Mthodist church, with Elder A. H. Dodd, a close friend of Mr. Ford officiating. Interment will be in the Smith cemetery near Lewisville.
The only relatives surviving him are a granddaughter, Myrtle Lynes of Biggs, and several nices and nephews: Mrs. Walter Bird and Dale Bell, Dallas; Mrs. Cora Wagner, Mrs. Nelle Sears and Wm. Ford, Falls City; Otho Bell, Bridgeport; A.R. Bell, Portland; Adrian and Will Ford, Newport; Mrs. W. L. Frink, Waldport; Ralph Ford, Eugene.
Itemizer Observer (Thursday) 20 Aug 1931
SOURCES: OSBH DC (Polk County 1931) #71
1870 OR CENSUS (Polk Co., Bridgeport, FA#599)
Polk Co., Oregon, Marriage Records, 1849-1879, page 49
1880 OR CENSUS (Polk Co., Bridgeport, ED 106, FA#284)
IO 20 Aug 1931
ROW: 27-6