Williams, Ernest Eugene
LAST NAME: Williams
AKA 1:
AKA 2:
AKA 3:
BORN: 22 Apr 1894
DIED: 26 Oct 1922
BURIED: 29 Oct 1922 ~ English Cemetery
OCCUPATION: Railroad Civil Engineer
BIRTH PLACE: Airlie, Polk Co, Oregon
DEATH PLACE: Vancouver, British Columbia
NOTES: 1920 OR CENSUS - Ernest E. Williams, age 25, single, occupation accountant, b. Oregon, is enumerated with mother Laure E. Trachsel, age 49, occupation grade school teacher, divorced, b. Oregon, along with Wayman C. Williams, age 23, b. Oregon, Elmer E. Trachsel, age 18, b. Oregon, and Irma B. Trachsel, age 14, b. Missouri.
MARRIAGE - Ernest Eugene Williams (age 27, b. Airlie, Oregon; son of Robert Lee Williams & Laura Mattoon) & Lela Evelyn Cameron (age 21, b. New Westminster, BC; dau of Frank E. Cameron & Jessie Alice Martin) md 6 July 1921, New Westminster, BC
Remains Will Arrive Here Saturday and Funeral Will Be Sunday.
Ernest Williams, a former Independence boy and a grandson of T.B. Williams, who lives between Independence and Monmouth, died yesterday morning at Vancouver, British Columbia, according to telegraphic advice received here yesterday by M. W. Williams from the young man’s brother, Wayman C. Williams. The body will arrive here Saturday morning at 10:20 and the funeral will be held from the T. B. Williams home Sunday and will be in charge of Lyon lodge AF&AM, with interment in the old English cemetery, Airlie.
Besides the brother, Wayman C. Williams, he is survived by a widow, whom he married after going to British Columbia; his mother, Mrs. Laura Troxel of Eugene, and a half brother and half sister, Erma and [---] Troxel of Eugene, and the grandfather with whom he had made his home for several years following the death of his father.
Young Williams had been ill for about [---] months, pernicious anemia being the cause of death. He was a civil engineer in the employ of a railroad and had been in British Columbia for about three years. [text lost in binding]
Independence Enterprise (Friday) 27 Oct 1922, 1:1
Funeral Services Largely Attended and Under Masonin Auspices.
Beautiful floral offerings were numerous at the funeral of Ernest Williams, which was held from the T. B. Williams residence Sunday. The body, accompanied by the widow, Mrs. Evelyn Williams, a bride of a year, and a brother, Wayman C. Williams, arrived in Independence last Saturday from Vancouver, British Columbia, and was taken in charge by Funeral Diurectort A.L. Keeney.
Dr. H. Charles Dunsmore of the Presbyterian church conducted the services at the house, and he touchingly referred to the fine character of the young man. The music was in charge of Mrs. George Conkey. Burial was made in the old English cemetery at Airlie, Lyon lodge, AF&AM having charge of this service. The pall bearers were: P. W. Jones, A. L. Kullander, J. B. V. Butler Jr., Howard Morlan, A. L. Miller and Orland Dadman.
There was a color guard, command of Amewrican Legion members and former sailors in which service the young man served during the war. They were: Elmer Frye, C. C. Archjibald, Glen Smith and Art Black. Among the floral pieces were handsome ones from the Masons of Vancouver, British Columbia Power Company and the American Legion.
Mr. Williams was born at Airlie April 22, 1894, making his age 28 years. He finished the grade school at Airlie, came to Independence for his high school course and was prominent in athletica and school work. He then went to the University of Oregon, taking a course in civil engineering and was exceedingly active in athletics. He was a member of the Multnomah Athletic club of Portland. He served in the navy during the war.
He went to British Columbia about three years ago, and at the time of his death was in the employ of the Ruskin Operation, Limited, as superintendent and engineer.
About a year ago he was married to Miss Evelyn Cameron, who survives.
Mr. Williams was a member of the Port Coquiltan, BC, lodge of Masons and the American Legion Post at Eugene. Among those in attendance at the funeral were: Verne Williams, Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Scanlon, Lester Wood, Orland Dadman of Portland, Mrs. Laura Troxel, Charles Goyeau of Eugene, and T. B. Hooker of Dallas.
Independence Enterprise (Friday) 3 Nov 1922, 1:1
INSCRIPTION: Ernest E. Williams
1894 - 1922
SOURCES: Saucy/Tolle Survey & Photographs
Branigar Survey
1920 OR CENSUS (Lane Co., Eugene, ED 239, sheet 11A)
British Columbia Marriage Records (FamilySearch.org)
IE 27 Oct 1922, 1:1
IE 3 Nov 1922, 1:1
ROW: 26-6